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Saturday, September 25, 2010

MGT 3553.. How will technology help in learning??

PowerPoint Presentations
Are useful for studies and business. And most students and teachers are already using these. But the quality of these presentations leaves much to be desired as all do not make use of the full features available such as narration and animations.
PowerPoint presentations once created can be made into a video adding interesting audio and transitions. And these can be achieved by simply uploading to websites such as Animoto.

Create a BLOG
Class blogs are becoming increasingly popular wherein all students of one class including the teacher create a single blog and each student gets a chance to submit articles, called posts. Aside of this, they can be encouraged to start a personal blog wherein they get to pick a subject matter and deal with it the way they want. The best part of a personal blog is the student strives to create quality posts and takes it up as a challenge. Getting people such as friends and teachers, parents to comment enhances their creativity. And did I mention their spellings get better, though they may use spell check. English improves greatly and they begin to use proper sentences that are grammatically correct and love to write more, creating larger, more interesting articles. Create a blog with Blogger, for it is easy and there are plenty of gadgets for students to choose from. New templates designer makes it even easier to dress up your blog.

Start a WIKI
Wikis are collaborative efforts, and can be utilized to create collaborative projects among students of a class. Each student gets to edit the same article according to the subject topic. You can embed videos, audios,pictures and make it real fun. Wikispaces is great for students to create a wiki.

Create a PODCAST
Audio podcasts can be created using free software such as audacity for recording and editing. All the student needs is a good microphone and speakers.
For example, a student learning French or Spanish, can make his/her own notes and translations and learn out of it. Other students can comment on these or add to it. Adding audio to each post will encourage them to listen to pronunciations correctly and master the language.

This one makes every student sit up. Watching their articles of interest take shape alongside videos and gadgets which they can share with the world. According to their passion and interest such as football, or tennis or their pet dog, a website can make them creative enough to show the whole world. The simplest website can be created online from Google sites.
Adding speaking avatars to your website can be engaging and fun too.

Make a VIDEO
Creating videos are much easier these days,and even children are adept at it. Capturing videos and uploading them to their blog or video blog also called vlog and adding tags, description according to the subject matter will help them learn better and this can be shared with others. They can also upload to video sites such as youtube and metcafe.

Save and Share BOOKMARKS online
The internet is a vast library of resources and students get a wealth of information that they must process for any project or subject. Bookmarks such as delicious come in handy and they are sure to be able to organize their information better for later use.

Students these days are virtually online and mostly on sites such as Facebook and Twitter. They get to use their mobile phones to send text messages and post to the social media sites. Students can be encouraged to use these sites creatively such as sending tweeting about websites that are relevant to their subject topic,and keeping update with the classroom activities when they cannot attend. Facebook activity can be made more interesting by sharing useful information regarding class or subject topic.

1 comment:

  1. very informative post.. so.. that's why many people know to use technology..
